Sunday, April 13, 2008

The importance of doctrinal truth (Issues, session 2)

Apparently, unbeknownst to me, we have switched from the middle of Jeremiah to a seven-session study on lessons learned from the Issues issue. Notes:

  • Our church is built on doctrine - there are other important themes (e.g. the Christian life), but the church should not be built on them because it detracts from Christ. If we lose pure doctrine, we lose the Church.
  • Style vs. substance? Ultimately, you can't separate them. Example: We're reverent in church because we're meeting face-to-face, so to speak, with the Holy One. The more informal one's worship, the more cheapened our relationship (child-and-father, not child-and-grandfather) with God becomes.
  • Are we a fad-driven church? Does Christ change? No and no. Is plain preaching of the Word impractical? Is preaching so outdated that we *must* resort to drama and rock bands? No and no. See 1 Cor. 1:25, 11:23 (institution of Lord's Supper is conservative, preserving what Christ taught, NOT inventing new things), Titus 1:9, Eph. 4:11-16, and Acts 20:25-32.
  • Teaching is at the same time positive (preserving correct doctrine) and negative (refuting and rebuking those who introduce false doctrine...ah, how politically incorrect!).

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