Friday, December 14, 2007

Keeling-Over Curve

Today's Science Journal (B1, WSJ) offers more evidence (?) for global warming...
  • On the high mountains of Hawaii are sensors keeping track of CO2 in the atmosphere; the series of readings have been going on for 50 years. All the while, the graph of them (called the Keeling Curve, after a Charles D. Keeling) has been going up. In fact, the levels are at a 650,000-year high.
(Really? And we're absolutely certain of our calculated CO2 levels from bubbles in Arctic ice for the time before we knew about gases and things? But I digress.)
    • Says atmospheric chemist Pieter Tans: "When you look at it, it is shocking how overwhelming the human influence has been on the atmosphere." Indeed, according to the record, "Fifteen of the past 20 years rank among the warmest years on record." The oceans and forests no longer soak up as much CO2 as we thought they would...
    I am truly SHOCKED! Humans actually presuming to "be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it" (Gen. 1:28, NIV). Who says that the Biblical mandate has ever been revoked? Fine. Reduce emissions. But no excuses for a baby tax from this. Nor Kyoto.


    Aurora said...

    Hannah, this is the kind of things the moonbats read and get all worked up. I've seen temperatures on a graph over a longer period of time showing that this is the natural behavior of the planet. The problem is that the evidence of scientists who see things differently to Keeling, aren't published in Science Journals or anywhere else because they're being muscled out.

    Hannah said...

    Well, at least the curve is an accurate measure of the tempers of "moonbats"... Hopefully, if we get enough Christian (or at-least-anti-evolution) PhDs in the sciences in the coming generation (count me in!), we'll be able to work up some muscle of our own. "Science Journals" indeed!