Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pentecost 27

Today's readings were Zephaniah 1:7-16, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Matthew 25:14-30, and Psalm 90 (sermon text).

Do we number our days aright? Do we strive for a heart of wisdom? Realize that everything around us is impermanent - jobs, money, stability, a sense of community. Decay and death surround us. But, Moses says, keeping the end in view is essential. You and I were created for an eternal home (Psalm 90:1).

Consider the life and "homes" of Moses. First he was brought up by Pharaoh, then became nomadic for years. At the end, he couldn't even enter Canaan. But this reminded him to walk by faith in God, for God was his true destination. Likewise it is with us - God, our home, goes with us. We will not be homeless, but will rather be welcome. We've been created for that home.

Life is filled with transitions. Remember, though, that Life is more. Return to God, your true home. There is no permanent dwelling place apart from Him. Sin separates us from Him; abundant dispensed and imputed grace reunites us to Him. Admit your sinfulness, therefore, and flee to God.

This brings back memories of Pentecost 22.

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