Thursday, March 26, 2009

The world of science

It's a wonder no one's thought of this before: womb-like tubs for "bubs." In goes the small one, out comes happiness and contentment...or so the Daily Mail would like us to believe.

Heretofore undiscovered spider species are being discovered. Next step: dinosaurs?

The Pentagon is spending money very well for a noble purpose: the regrowth of limbs. Now all we have to do is streamline research so it's doable in the comfort of one's own home. At least the money isn't being used for this.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lent 4

Today's readings were Numbers 21:4-9, Ephesians 2:1-10 (sermon text), and John 3:14-21.

This text is a Lenten one - v. 1 says that we were dead in sin. We were in the family of Satan. This is Law, pure and simple. But Gospel (v. 4ff) necessarily follows.

Law. Paul had in mind pagan Ephesian converts, but we're just as dead. We were enslaved to sin, having no spiritually-related free will. Although it's countercultural (others think of sin as a wound only) to think so, we must accept this truth. We can only hope that Someone resuscitates us. Around us, angels we can't see are battling the world's prince we can't see directly. He is always battling for the souls of God's children to make them children of wrath instead.

Gospel. "But" is the hinge of much of the Bible. Verses 8 and 9 differentiate Christianity from other religions - even our works are God's workmanship! Works should make others praise God, not our flesh. Verses 4-7 are slightly less familiar but still precious Gospel. Let us not take God's life-restoring food and drink for granted. He seats us in the heavenly places - meaning perhaps that we are in Paradise (His presence) already, adopted princes and princesses of God. We've been given precious privileges paid for by Christ's blood. Let that spill over into your life, O child of the Father.

Apologies for decreased posting frequency. The evil in the world is becoming too common.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lent 3

Today's readings were Exodus 20:1-17 (sermon text), 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, and John 2:13-22.

Family portraits don't match real life - family life isn't perfect. We see the same tension in the text: God's standards for us versus our inability to fulfill them. The Commandments, however, are never presented as a way of salvation. Only Christ is.

Commandment 1 is first because there has always been unending temptation to stray from the one true God, whether by worshiping Isis or Asherah, or by worshiping the gods of ourselves. God is a jealous God. He shows favor to those who love him (N.B. this is listed first) and keep His commandments. Commandment 2 - why is our God's Name the only one misused? Commandment 3: keep the Sabbath = work as unto the Lord. Luther's explanation turns it into a means of grace - be eager to receive preaching and the Word.

Commandment 4 - the first with a promise. Follow God's intended order of authority. The fifth and following Commandments prohibit sins against our neighbor. No comments accompany them in the text, for they flow naturally from the first four. We sin against the entire family of God when we break any Commandment. So how can we keep them? Perhaps that's not what we should be asking. Look to Christ; ask for forgiveness; receive it gladly, for God's Law is good and wise. Christ died for you; you are now free from sin to serve God with your whole heart.

Today and next week I am at my home church.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Lent 2

Today's readings were Genesis 32:22-32, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-7, and Matthew 15:21-28 (sermon text).

A pagan woman sought out the One who would heal her daughter. She recognized Him at Tyre and Sidon. Jesus first focused on Israel, not answering this Gentile's plea. She persisted, finally worshiping Him as the only true God. Although He tested her - remember while reading this that we, non-Jews, are also counted as "dogs" - her faith proved true and selfless, for she sought nothing for herself.

Jesus then healed her daughter, seeing her faith. But do we seek Him and likewise cry out for forgiveness? No; we persist in our sin. But Christ still intercedes for each member of His church. Particularly in Communion, He sanctifies us, strengthens our faith, and invites us to eat and drink of His very body and blood. Let us not take for granted these gifts we freely have.

Today's sermon was from an off-campus church; what sort of differences do you see?

Friday, March 6, 2009


I'm currently reading C. S. Lewis's The Four Loves, on loan from a very good friend. So, naturally, this headline caught my eye. If only all we needed was this sort of love.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lent 1

Today's readings were Genesis 22:1-18 (sermon text), James 1:12-18, and Mark 1:9-15.

God's leading, showing, and testing of His children are the focus of today's readings. People are taken into the wilderness from their comfort zones. How do they hold up? How did Abraham, for that matter, hold up? God had told him that he would be the ancestor of the Messiah; Isaac ("laughter") then arrived; finally, God asked for the death of this only son of Abraham (!). Abraham obeyed Him nonetheless, trusting that somehow God would always pull through and keep His promise.

We usually begin Lent by focusing on sacrifice. We give up something for the season to remind us that the substitutionary Sacrifice that He makes is the true focus.

What of Isaac's trust in his father? He carried the wood for his own sacrifice, not knowing what God had asked. How does God's promise in Jeremiah 29:11 fit with this? He did indeed pull through. He may ask us to sacrifice something precious to us as well; sacrifice in the Israelites' time involved bloodshed to remind of sin's consequences.

God provided a "ram" - a male sheep, acceptable for sacrifice. What of Jesus being the "Lamb"? A ram was simply the more perfect version. Looking at Jesus Christ as the Sacrifice, we see that He is indeed perfect, having conquered all temptation for us. God's intention was for Him to be tempted - and to resist it. Now we can pray for faith also to resist Satan's ever-specific temptations. We indeed are led through the wilderness. But we do not walk alone, for we cannot manage on our own. We need Jesus.

If any of you, dear readers, are without Christ, please think on this.