Sunday, February 22, 2009

Transfiguration 2009

Today's readings: 2 Kings 2:1-12, 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:6, and Mark 9:2-9 (sermon text).

It's good to be here in God's presence! - even if it's only on account of habit. Think about the event of the Transfiguration... Peter, James, and John were sleeping, having reached the summit. The glorified, glowing Jesus Christ roused them suddenly. He now manifested the Father's glory, and these three disciples saw it. What a rare privilege! Moses and Elijah (representative of the Law and the Prophets, respectively) added to the wonder and grandeur. So it's a wonder that Peter was even able to say anything.

In the parallel Gospel accounts, we learn that the disciples were next terrified by God's voice, and rightly so. It's the same with us - alternate exultation and terror. Sin - our sin - terrifies. Spiritual experiences will, because of this, fall flat if they're based on our feelings. Subjectivity fails us.

But Jesus came, touched, and told them not to fear. This leads to another insight: look to Jesus, especially in "down" moments, rather than to your emotions. Spiritual highs are inconsistent and usually undependable. So look only to Jesus Christ, holding on only to Him. That's the message of the entire Word. God is present here, forgiving you your sins. Hold Him in your everyday life, as the disciples did. Follow Him wherever He leads you.

And so Lent begins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pot, Hannah!

God says listen to my Son!

And Jesus says we are going back where the people are.

Here's a terrific sermon if you get the chance. The last half of it especially!