Sunday, October 26, 2008

Reformation (observed)

Readings for today: Revelation 14:6-7, Romans 3:19-28, and John 8:31-36 (sermon text).

Freedom is loved here in America. But do we know exactly what true freedom
is? Does it match John 8:36? Not usually! Some of us use "freedom" sinfully - an
excuse to perform our own wills - really hedonism. Or we think about "freedom
from _____ [usually 'responsibility']." However, the sense in which Jesus uses
"free" is different: Christians have freedom from sin (as Adam and Eve
originally did) and from the fear of death (as all believers after the

All who sin are slaves to sin. This comes from using "freedom" as a license
to sin. But God became flesh freely to atone for you and me.
Now, free, we can stand before God and fellow man as His servants. We're free to
serve God.

How are we to use this freedom? Rejoice in it! We Lutherans can celebrate
it today in the feast of the Reformation. What do we celebrate? The Gospel of
Jesus Christ, keeping Him as the center of all things. This is easier with our
Scripture-soaked liturgy and the Scripture-summarizing Catechism. This is our
heritage, reminding us of our true freedom in Christ.

I'll try to put together a post for Reformation Day too; there's a special service that evening.

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